What is Church Revitalization?

What is Church Revitalization?

Church revitalization is a term that is often used in church consultant discussions. Circles. Church revitalization is a critical and transformative process to renew and rejuvenate a church that has experienced a decline in attendance, engagement, or spiritual...
Church Marketing – Pros and Cons

Church Marketing – Pros and Cons

Church marketing, a concept that may seem unconventional to some, involves using marketing tools and strategies to promote a church’s presence, message, and activities. While church marketing can effectively expand a church’s reach and impact, it also...
Kingdom Rebellion Part 8

Kingdom Rebellion Part 8

We’re continuing our “Kingdom Rebellion” series. This week, we will conclude the series by looking at the events surrounding the “Tower of Babel” and also taking a quick look at covenants as we prepare for the next series, “Kingdom Covenant.”...
Kingdom Rebellion Part 8

Kingdom Rebellion Part 7

We’re continuing our “Kingdom Rebellion” series. Previously, we discussed Genesis chapters 7 to 9, focusing on the flood narrative and identifying Jesus as our means of salvation, akin to Noah’s ark. This session will explore the events...