What is Church Revitalization?

What is Church Revitalization?

Church revitalization is a term that is often used in church consultant discussions. Circles. Church revitalization is a critical and transformative process to renew and rejuvenate a church that has experienced a decline in attendance, engagement, or spiritual...
Church Marketing – Pros and Cons

Church Marketing – Pros and Cons

Church marketing, a concept that may seem unconventional to some, involves using marketing tools and strategies to promote a church’s presence, message, and activities. While church marketing can effectively expand a church’s reach and impact, it also...
Kingdom Rebellion Part 8

Kingdom Rebellion Part 8

We’re continuing our “Kingdom Rebellion” series. This week, we will conclude the series by looking at the events surrounding the “Tower of Babel” and also taking a quick look at covenants as we prepare for the next series, “Kingdom Covenant.”...
Kingdom Rebellion Part 8

Kingdom Rebellion Part 7

We’re continuing our “Kingdom Rebellion” series. Previously, we discussed Genesis chapters 7 to 9, focusing on the flood narrative and identifying Jesus as our means of salvation, akin to Noah’s ark. This session will explore the events...
Kingdom Rebellion Part 8

Kingdom Rebellion Part 6

In our “Kingdom Rebellion” series, we previously explored Genesis Chapter 6, discussing the Nephilim, elohim, and overcoming life’s giants. This week, we’ll delve into the flood narrative, a pivotal event symbolizing a cosmic reset through...
Kingdom Rebellion Part 8

Kingdom Rebellion Part 5

We’re currently exploring a series titled “Kingdom Rebellion.” In our previous session, we delved into Genesis Chapter 5, discussing Seth and his lineage as the offspring of the woman. We also looked at Enoch, who notably walked with God. This...