Kingdom Rebellion Part 2

Kingdom Rebellion Part 2

Last week, we started our new series called Kingdom Rebellion, and we did an overview of the main three points: The Fall, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel. This week, we are going to focus on the Fall. Genesis 3:1-7 (NIV)1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of...
Social Media and the Church – Pros and Cons

Social Media and the Church – Pros and Cons

In the digital age, social media has become a pivotal tool for organizations worldwide, including churches. Its profound impact on religious communities offers significant opportunities and notable challenges. At Church Consultant, we want to help you understand the...
Kingdom Rebellion Part 2

Kingdom Rebellion Part 1

We’re starting a new series titled “Kingdom Rebellion,” in this session, we’ll summarize Genesis chapters 3 to 11. This is in preparation for a more in-depth examination of these chapters. The “Kingdom Rebellion” segment in...
Kingdom Revealed Part 10

Kingdom Revealed Part 10

This week we are wrapping up our series called “Kingdom Revealed,” but before we move on to our next series, “Kingdom Rebellion,” we need to introduce the elohim into the story. Before God created us, His human family, he created a spiritual family. We...
Kingdom Revealed Part 10

Kingdom Revealed Part 9

We are in a series called Kingdom Revealed and looking deeply into the first two chapters of Genesis. We discussed the cosmic temple, imagers, trees, mountains, and rivers. This week, we will discuss the ‘Spirit of God’. After Jesus was raised from the...