Kingdom Revealed Part 7

Kingdom Revealed Part 7

We are in a series called Kingdom Revealed and looking deeply into the first two chapters of Genesis. We have talked about the cosmic temple, imagers, and trees. This week, we will discuss mountains (high places) and rivers. Genesis 2:10–14 (NIV)10 A river watering...
Kingdom Revealed Part 7

Kingdom Revealed Part 6

We are in a series called Kingdom Revealed and we are taking a deep look into the first two chapters of Genesis. Last week, we started talking about trees. I said that in the Scripture, trees, people, and water are often seen together at significant times in His...
The Process of Succession Planning

The Process of Succession Planning

Succession planning is a topic that many organizations, including churches, often struggle with. The idea of handing over the reins of leadership, especially in a religious setting, can be emotionally charged and fraught with concerns about continuity, legacy, and the...
Kingdom Revealed Part 7

Kingdom Revealed Part 5

We are in a series called Kingdom Revealed and we are taking a deep look into the first two chapters of Genesis. The last few weeks we have been talking about humans as imagers. In the weeks ahead we need to talk about trees, rivers(water), mountains, and gardens....
Kingdom Revealed Part 7

Kingdom Revealed Part 4

We have discussed being imagers for the last two weeks as we dig into our Kingdom Revealed series of Genesis Chapters 1 and 2. From time to time, we will move a little forward in the bigger story to make some connections, and we will do that now as we finish the...