Introduction Welcome to our new series, “Kingdom Coming,” where we delve into the Chronicles through Malachi. This series is part of a larger journey through the Bible, aiming to deepen our understanding of God’s word and its impact on our...
Introduction This week, we explored the concept of the Temple as depicted in 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings. This exploration is part of our ongoing series, “Kingdom Foreshadowed,” where we journey through the Bible to uncover the deeper meanings and...
Introduction Welcome to our blog post summarizing this week’s sermon from our ongoing series, “Kingdom Foreshadowed.” This week, we delved into the Book of Judges, exploring the tragic consequences of Israel’s disobedience and the cyclical...
Today, we delve into the book of Joshua, exploring the profound lessons it offers about faith, courage, and encountering Jesus. This summary will help you grasp the essence of the sermon and apply its teachings to your life. Introduction In our journey through the...
Introduction Welcome to our latest blog post, where we delve into the heart of our recent sermon on the Shema from Deuteronomy 6. This ancient prayer is a cornerstone of faith for both Jews and Christians, emphasizing the importance of not just hearing God’s...
Today, we delve into the latest sermon from our series “Kingdom Foreshadowed,” focusing on the book of Numbers. This sermon, part 13 of the series, explores the significance of seeking God’s wisdom in our lives, the importance of the Passover, and...