In our journey through life, we often seek encounters that transform us, that offer us a glimpse into the divine. The story of Moses and the burning bush is one such transformative encounter, where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, and where God’s presence is revealed in a profound way.
The Call of Moses: A Divine Appointment
Moses, a man with a past marked by both privilege and exile, finds himself in the wilderness, tending to his father-in-law’s flock. It is here, in the mundane routine of his daily work, that he encounters the miraculous—a bush ablaze with fire, yet not consumed. This sight, defying all logic, beckons Moses closer, and he is called by name by the God of his ancestors.
Holy Ground: The Significance of Removing Sandals
As Moses approaches, he is instructed to remove his sandals, for he is standing on holy ground. This act is symbolic, a gesture of reverence and humility before the divine. It is a moment that echoes the sanctity of the holy of holies, a sacred space where one meets with God.
The Mission: Deliverance from Oppression
God reveals His plan to Moses: to rescue the Israelites from the oppression of Egypt. Moses is to confront Pharaoh and lead his people to freedom. This daunting task is met with hesitation by Moses, who doubts his own abilities. Yet, it is a pivotal moment where trust in God’s wisdom is tested.
Meeting with God: How Do We Encounter the Divine?
The burning bush narrative raises the question: How do we, in our modern lives, encounter God? Moses was simply going about his day when he was drawn to something that challenged his understanding of reality. It is in these unexpected moments, when we step out of our busyness, that we can truly encounter the divine.
The Way to God Through Jesus
In the New Testament, we find that meeting with God is made possible through Jesus Christ. His life, death, and resurrection bridge the gap between humanity and God, allowing us to approach the divine without fear. Through faith in Jesus, we are invited into a personal relationship with God, where we can experience His love and grace.
Life Application
As we reflect on the story of Moses and the burning bush, let us challenge ourselves to be attentive to God’s presence in our lives. Take time this week to step out of your routine and seek moments of divine encounter. Ask yourself:
- How can I create space in my busy schedule to meet with God?
- In what ways can I be more open to God’s call, even when it challenges my comfort zone?
- How can my life reflect the trust in God’s wisdom that Moses was called to embody?
Let this week be a time of intentional seeking, of opening your heart to the transformative power of God’s presence. May you, like Moses, say “Here I am” when the divine calls your name.
This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.
Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.