In John 9, we encounter a powerful story about spiritual blindness and finding true sight through Jesus. This account offers profound insights into how we view suffering, religious traditions, and most importantly – how we come to truly see and know Jesus.

The Problem with Cause and Effect Thinking

When Jesus and his disciples encountered a man blind from birth, their first response was to ask “Who sinned – this man or his parents?” This represents a common but problematic way of thinking that tries to find direct causes for every situation. While natural to seek explanations, this mindset can actually prevent us from seeing God’s bigger purpose.

How Does Jesus View Suffering?

Jesus immediately redirects the discussion away from blame, stating that the man’s condition existed “so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” Rather than getting caught up in causes, Jesus sees someone who needs to know God’s love and healing power.

Three Different Perspectives on Sight

The story presents three distinct viewpoints:

Jesus sees beyond surface circumstances to God’s redemptive purpose
The Pharisees remain spiritually blind despite their religious knowledge
The blind man progresses from physical to spiritual sight

The Journey from Blindness to Worship

The healed man’s spiritual journey unfolds in stages:

First knows Jesus only as “a man”
Recognizes Him as a prophet
Finally sees Him as Lord and worships Him

This progression illustrates how true spiritual sight develops gradually as we encounter Jesus more deeply.

Why Do Some People Remain Spiritually Blind?

The Pharisees demonstrate how religious rules and pride can actually prevent spiritual sight. Despite witnessing an undeniable miracle, they refused to see because it didn’t fit their predetermined views of how God should work.

Life Application

This week, consider these questions:

Where might religious traditions or preconceptions be blocking your ability to see Jesus clearly?
Are you stuck trying to figure out “why” instead of seeking what God wants to do in your situation?
Has your encounter with Jesus led to genuine worship?

Challenge: Take time daily this week to ask God to open your spiritual eyes in new ways. Look for areas where you might be spiritually blind and ask Jesus to help you see as He sees.

Remember – true spiritual sight always leads to worship. If you can see Jesus clearly, your natural response will be to worship Him.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.