Christian DISC Assessment
The Christian DISC® is a spiritual personality assessment that categorizes personality into four types, and integrates insight from scripture and emotional intelligence. The model behind the Christian DISC® is ideal for individuals, couples, and groups and is specifically designed for use in faith-based counseling, coaching, and ministry.
We have worked with a number of different personality tests here at Church Consultant in our efforts to help church staff learn and grow together into a more cohesive unit. We believe the main drawback to the other personality tests avaialable is that the results include so many different possibilities that it is more difficult to get a grasp on how different personality types work and blend together. For example, the Enneagram is very popular now (we are also certified in the Enneagram) but there are nine possible outcomes in the Enneagram and each one has multiple possibilities on the way it interacts with other personalities. What we love about the Christian DISC and why it is now the only personality test we work with here at Church Consultant and also at Church Encourager is that there are only four possible outcomes. This makes working with the results much more practical for all invloved.


* Strengths
* Growth Areas
* Scriptures
* Biblical Figures
* Relationship Dynamics
* Emotional Intelligence
Taking the Assessment
We are pleased to be able to offer the Christian DISC Assessment for free to Pastors and Church Leaders who participate in our Church Encourager Initiative Beta Trial. Click here for more information and to apply to the free Church Encourager Initiative Beta Trial.