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Certified Church Consultant

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Church in Decline? Plateaud?

Helping Churches Thrive

Utilizing a process we call “Virtual Church Consulting” we work with you through a series of steps to help pinpoint problems and offer solutions. This all online church consulting method is effective and affordable.

Internet Impact (Learn about your digital footprint)

Community Statistics (Learn about your community)

Effective Outreach Ideas (Learn how to reach your community)

Church Marketing (Help your community learn about your church)

Internet Impact

Your website is the “digital foyer” for the church. It is the first impression for almost everyone that visits your church.

Community Statistics

Demographic information is helpful in getting an overview of what is happening in your community.

Church Marketing

Church marketing is a tool to help people who are in need of what your church offers to be able to connect with you.

Effective Outreach Ideas

An outreach strategy is a specific set of tactics intended to ultimately attract new people to your church.

Meet Steve Lawes

Steve Lawes is a Certified Church Consultant. He has been the lead Pastor of Keys Vineyard Church in Big Pine Key since 1992.  He has a Bachelors Degree in Bible and Theology from Berean University and Masters and PhD Degrees from Atlantic Coast Theological Seminary.  He lead the Cuba Missions Team for Vineyard Missions from 1995-2005 and traveled to Cuba more than twenty times helping to plant churches and build up local leaders. He served as the South Florida Area Leader for the Association of Vineyard Churches for ten years. He also founded the Jesus Moment Bible Institute and Seminary in 2014 which has a student enrollment of over 2000. He has written three devotional books, Daily Psalt Intake, Daily Sage Intake and Daily Strength Training which are now out of print but are currently available as free e-books.

Free Ebook - Nine Point Church Consulting Strategy

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Recent Posts from Church Consultant

Understanding and Living Out The Lord’s Prayer: A Blueprint for Daily Christian Life

Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer not just as words to memorize, but as a beautiful poem and guide for how to live our daily lives in connection with God. This prayer reflects the greatest commandments – to love God with all our heart, soul and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

What is the Structure of the Lord’s Prayer?

The prayer follows a clear structure with two main sections:

First section focuses on God (Your name, Your kingdom, Your will)
Second section focuses on human needs (Give us, forgive us, lead us)

This structure mirrors Jesus’ teaching that we should first love God, then love others as ourselves.

Why Does Jesus Start with “Our Father”?

Beginning with “Our Father” establishes an intimate family relationship with God. Jesus used “Abba” (meaning daddy or papa) to show we can approach God as a loving father. This was revolutionary, as religious leaders of the time wouldn’t even speak God’s name out of fear.

What Does “Your Kingdom Come” Really Mean?

This petition isn’t just about heaven – it’s asking for God’s rule and reign to break into our present reality. We live in the tension between the “now and not yet” of God’s kingdom:

Jesus inaugurated the kingdom in his first coming
He will fully establish it in his second coming
We pray for kingdom breakthrough in our present circumstances

How Should We Understand “Your Will Be Done”?

This challenges the common assumption that everything that happens is God’s will. Since the Fall, much occurs that goes against God’s desires. We pray for His will because:

God is always good
Not everything that happens is His will
Prayer invites us to partner with God in spiritual battle
We trust God even when we don’t understand everything

What About Our Daily Needs?

The prayer teaches us to trust God daily for our needs through:

Asking for “daily bread” – our basic necessities
Learning contentment with enough for today
Recognizing every provision as God’s gift
Not taking basic blessings for granted

Life Application

This week, challenge yourself to pray through the Lord’s Prayer daily, but not just reciting words. Use it as a framework to:

Connect intimately with God as Father
Align your life with His kingdom purposes
Trust Him for daily provision
Practice forgiveness
Seek His protection from evil

Ask yourself:

How can I better honor God’s name through my daily life?
Where do I need to trust God more for daily provision?
Who do I need to forgive as God has forgiven me?
What areas of my life need to come under God’s kingdom authority?

The Lord’s Prayer isn’t just a ritual – it’s a blueprint for living in relationship with God and others each day.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

Understanding True Forgiveness: Lessons from Jesus Healing the Paralytic

In a powerful scene from Luke 5 and Mark 2, Jesus demonstrates that spiritual healing through forgiveness is often more important than physical healing. This story provides deep insights into the nature of forgiveness and its importance in our lives.

What Does the Story of the Paralytic Man Teach Us About Forgiveness?

When friends lowered a paralyzed man through a roof to reach Jesus, they expected physical healing. Instead, Jesus first addressed the man’s spiritual need by forgiving his sins. This shows that our deepest needs are often spiritual rather than physical.

Why is Unforgiveness Dangerous?

Unforgiveness acts like a spiritual paralysis that:

Spreads into every area of life
Creates bitterness in relationships
Prevents personal growth
Can lead to anxiety and stress
Impacts physical and mental health negatively

What Forgiveness Is Not

Common misconceptions about forgiveness include:

Pretending everything is fine
Necessarily reconciling with the offender
Forgetting what happened
Ignoring the pain

What True Forgiveness Looks Like

True forgiveness involves:

Letting go of anger and resentment
Trusting God to handle justice
Releasing the burden of the offense
Choosing to show mercy as God shows mercy

The Health Benefits of Forgiveness

Research shows forgiveness can lead to:

Improved mental health
Lower blood pressure
Stronger immune system
Better heart health
Reduced anxiety and depression
Healthier relationships

Life Application

This week, consider these questions:

What resentment am I holding onto that needs to be released?
How has unforgiveness affected my relationships and well-being?
In what ways can I extend grace to others before offense occurs?

Challenge: Identify one person you need to forgive. Ask God for help in releasing that burden. Remember, you don’t need to forget or reconcile, but you can choose to let go of the resentment for your own spiritual and emotional freedom.
Take action by:

Acknowledging the hurt
Choosing to release the offense to God
Praying for the strength to let go
Practicing extending grace to others

Remember: Forgiveness isn’t about the other person – it’s about your freedom and spiritual well-being.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

How to Use Scripture to Overcome Temptation: Lessons from Jesus

Jesus demonstrated a profound love for Scripture, using it as an instrumental part of his ministry and life. His example shows us how to effectively use God’s Word to overcome temptation and live faithfully.

Why is the Bible Important for Christians?

The Bible was central to Jesus’ life and ministry. He regularly taught from it in synagogues and used it to guide his actions. Archaeological discoveries like the Dead Sea Scrolls have confirmed the remarkable preservation and accuracy of biblical texts across thousands of years, giving us confidence that we have access to the same Scriptures Jesus used.

How Did Jesus Use Scripture to Fight Temptation?

In Luke 4, we see Jesus face three key temptations from Satan in the wilderness:

Physical temptation (turn stones to bread)
Power and authority temptation (worship Satan for worldly kingdoms)
Pride temptation (throw yourself down from the temple)

In each case, Jesus responded by quoting Scripture and doing “the next right thing” according to God’s Word rather than taking shortcuts or compromising.

What Are the Three Main Types of Temptation We Face?

Lust of the flesh (physical desires)
Lust of the eyes (materialism/coveting)
Pride of life (ego/self-importance)

These same patterns of temptation appear throughout Scripture, from Eve in the Garden to Jesus in the wilderness. Satan still uses these same approaches today because they remain effective.

How Can We Overcome Temptation Like Jesus Did?

Know Scripture well enough to recognize truth from lies
Have specific verses memorized as “go-to” responses
Be motivated by God’s love rather than pride or self-interest
Do the next right thing according to God’s Word
Recognize that Satan will try to discourage Bible reading

Life Application

This week, take these practical steps to strengthen your spiritual defense against temptation:

Choose and memorize a “go-to” Bible verse you can recall when tempted
Commit to daily Bible reading, even if just for a few minutes
When faced with temptation, ask: “What does Scripture say about this?”
Remember that Jesus himself relied on Scripture – how much more should we?

Questions for Reflection:

What is my current pattern of Bible reading and study?
Which of the three main types of temptation do I struggle with most?
What specific verse can I memorize this week as my “go-to” defense?
How can I better recognize Satan’s attempts to discourage my Bible reading?

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.


“Steve and his team at Keys Vineyard Church have built a church that has done an inspiring job reaching their community. Steve is a treasure trove of experience and has continued to prioritize learning and growth throughout his more than 30 years of ministry in a way few pastors have. You’ll get a lot out of connecting with him!”

Putty Puman Phd

Pastor, Author (Live Like Jesus, Kingdom Impact), Founder of the School of Kingdom Ministry.

“I watched first hand as Steve experienced the devastation of hurricane Irma in his town of Big Pine Key, Florida. The town was destroyed, the church building rendered unusable and the staff impacted personally. I watched a leader rise to the need of his community and minister in a situation that not very many could. He has a powerful voice of experience and wisdom earned the hard way.”

David Speicher PhD, DMin.

Lead pastor of South Bay Church, Tampa , Fl., Author of “Not Many Days From Now”

“Steve Lawes is a valuable coach/ mentor. I’ve watched Steve over the last thirty years build a substantial outward focused church with disciples who do what Jesus did. He has inspired leaders of churches with simple/tested ideas to develop leaders and grow churches.

Bob Fulton

Pastor, Founder of Pass it On Ministry, Former International Director of Association of Vineyard Churches

“Steve Lawes is an outstanding coach. He is authentic, creative, and personable. He has more cutting edge ideas than any pastor I know in regard to evangelism and meeting the needs of people in his community.”

Happy Leman

Founding pastor at Vineyard Church of Champaign-Urbana IL

Interested in Becoming a Church Consultant?

We are pleased to be partnering with the Jesus Moment Bible Institute and Seminary to be able to offer Free Church Consulting Training.  Even if you are not looking to become a certified church consultant, the free church consultant training will be beneficial for your personal ministry.

One of the greatest questions Jesus asked was “Do You Want to Get Well?”

I t would seem that the answer was obvious.  But getting well for the man who had been not well for a very long time meant that he would have to do something different. It is not easy to change, but it always starts with a first step.

Take that first step now by sceduling your no obligation, free thirty (30) minute Zoom meeting with us today. You have nothing to lose and it may be your first step to a new and healthy way of doing and being the church.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Take The First Step Toward Getting Well Today!