The story of Lazarus’s resurrection demonstrates Jesus’s power over death and reveals profound truths about how He transforms our lives today. Through this powerful account, we see how Jesus brings both immediate and eternal life to those who believe in Him.
Why Did Jesus Wait to Help Lazarus?
When Jesus received word that His friend Lazarus was sick, He intentionally waited two days before traveling to Bethany. Though this may seem puzzling, Jesus had a greater purpose – He wanted to demonstrate His power over death itself and strengthen the faith of His disciples and followers.
What Does Jesus’s Response to Death Reveal About His Character?
Upon arriving in Bethany, Jesus was deeply moved by Mary and Martha’s grief. The famous verse “Jesus wept” (John 11:35) reveals His deep compassion and empathy for human suffering. Though He knew He would raise Lazarus, Jesus still shared in the pain of those He loved.
How Does Jesus Deal With Our Brokenness?
Jesus isn’t afraid of what’s behind our stones – the mess, shame, and brokenness we try to hide. Just as He commanded the stone be rolled away from Lazarus’s tomb despite Martha’s warning about the stench, Jesus wants to expose and heal our deepest wounds.
What Does It Mean to Be Set Free?
When Lazarus emerged from the tomb, he needed others to help remove his grave clothes. Similarly, Jesus wants to free us from the “grave clothes” of:
Performance-based religion
Guilt and shame
Regret over past mistakes
Fear and doubt
How Does Resurrection Power Work in Our Lives Today?
Jesus offers both immediate and eternal life. While physical death may still come, those who believe in Him experience His resurrection power now through:
Freedom from sin’s bondage
New identity in Christ
Purpose and hope
Community with other believers
Life Application
This week, consider what “grave clothes” you might still be wearing despite having new life in Christ. Ask yourself:
What old patterns or beliefs am I holding onto that Jesus wants to remove?
Where do I need help from others to experience greater freedom?
Am I living in the reality of Christ’s resurrection power today?
Take time to identify one area where you need resurrection power in your life. Share this with a trusted friend or prayer partner and ask them to help you “remove the grave clothes” that are holding you back from experiencing the full life Jesus offers.
Remember: In Christ, you are no longer bound by death but are called to live in the power of His resurrection – both now and for eternity.
This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.
Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.