We are starting a new series called “Kingdom Revealed”. This series will deepen the storyline of the Bible that we introduced in our “Sword Sharpening” series. In Kingdom Revealed, we will focus on the events of the first two chapters of Genesis.
Genesis, the Bible’s first book, is foundational to understanding His Story. It sets the stage, introduces critical themes, and establishes the nature and character of God. At the heart of its first chapter, two profound themes emerge: God is the one who brings form to the formless and fills what is empty.
Genesis 1:2 (NIV)
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Genesis Chapter 1:2 describes the earth as “formless and empty.” It presents a picture of chaos and absence in a world without structure, distinction, or content. And then, with a few words, “Let there be light,” God initiates the process of bringing order and form to this chaos.
During the first three days of creation, God separates light from darkness, waters above from waters below, and land from sea. In each of these creative days, God is shaping, defining, and bringing order. The universe moves from pre-creation chaos to a world with clear boundaries and distinctions.
Once the world has been shaped and formed, God begins to fill His now-formed world. He fills the skies with birds, the seas with fish, and the land with animals. The act of filling complements the act of forming. It’s not enough for the world to have structure; it must also have content, vibrancy, and life.
The crowning act of God’s creation is the making of humans. In contrast to other creatures, humanity is made “in the image of God,” and the description of His creation changes from “good” to “very good.” This divine imprint gives humans a unique role and responsibility in this newly formed and filled world. They are to be stewards, reflecting God’s nature as they care for and cultivate the world around them.
Make plans to join us this weekend at Keys Vineyard Church in person or online as we dive deep into Genesis Chapter 1, which will help set up a foundation for reading and understanding all of His Story.
Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.