Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer not just as words to memorize, but as a beautiful poem and guide for how to live our daily lives in connection with God. This prayer reflects the greatest commandments – to love God with all our heart, soul and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

What is the Structure of the Lord’s Prayer?

The prayer follows a clear structure with two main sections:

First section focuses on God (Your name, Your kingdom, Your will)
Second section focuses on human needs (Give us, forgive us, lead us)

This structure mirrors Jesus’ teaching that we should first love God, then love others as ourselves.

Why Does Jesus Start with “Our Father”?

Beginning with “Our Father” establishes an intimate family relationship with God. Jesus used “Abba” (meaning daddy or papa) to show we can approach God as a loving father. This was revolutionary, as religious leaders of the time wouldn’t even speak God’s name out of fear.

What Does “Your Kingdom Come” Really Mean?

This petition isn’t just about heaven – it’s asking for God’s rule and reign to break into our present reality. We live in the tension between the “now and not yet” of God’s kingdom:

Jesus inaugurated the kingdom in his first coming
He will fully establish it in his second coming
We pray for kingdom breakthrough in our present circumstances

How Should We Understand “Your Will Be Done”?

This challenges the common assumption that everything that happens is God’s will. Since the Fall, much occurs that goes against God’s desires. We pray for His will because:

God is always good
Not everything that happens is His will
Prayer invites us to partner with God in spiritual battle
We trust God even when we don’t understand everything

What About Our Daily Needs?

The prayer teaches us to trust God daily for our needs through:

Asking for “daily bread” – our basic necessities
Learning contentment with enough for today
Recognizing every provision as God’s gift
Not taking basic blessings for granted

Life Application

This week, challenge yourself to pray through the Lord’s Prayer daily, but not just reciting words. Use it as a framework to:

Connect intimately with God as Father
Align your life with His kingdom purposes
Trust Him for daily provision
Practice forgiveness
Seek His protection from evil

Ask yourself:

How can I better honor God’s name through my daily life?
Where do I need to trust God more for daily provision?
Who do I need to forgive as God has forgiven me?
What areas of my life need to come under God’s kingdom authority?

The Lord’s Prayer isn’t just a ritual – it’s a blueprint for living in relationship with God and others each day.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.