John the Baptist provides powerful lessons about understanding our true identity in Christ and pointing others toward Jesus. His story reveals important truths about humility, purpose, and recognizing who Jesus really is.
Who Was John the Baptist?
John the Baptist emerged as a unique figure – wearing camel hair clothing and eating locusts and honey in the wilderness. He baptized people in the Jordan River, preaching repentance and preparing the way for Jesus. Despite drawing large crowds from Jerusalem and Judea, he maintained remarkable humility about his role.
How Did John the Baptist View Himself?
When questioned by religious leaders about his identity, John humbly described himself as simply “a voice calling in the wilderness.” He explicitly denied being the Messiah, Elijah, or the prophet. His identity was wrapped up in pointing others to Jesus rather than promoting himself.
How Did Jesus View John the Baptist?
While John downplayed his own importance, Jesus declared him to be “the greatest born among women” up to that time. This reveals an important truth – our worth comes from how Jesus sees us, not how we see ourselves or how others view us.
What Can We Learn About Identity in Christ?
A key insight emerges: Our identity in Christ is received, not achieved. We don’t have to constantly strive to prove our worth or compare ourselves to others. Like John the Baptist, we can rest in who God says we are while faithfully fulfilling our purpose.
How Did John the Baptist View Jesus?
John recognized Jesus as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” This profound declaration connected Jesus to the Passover lamb of the Old Testament – pointing to His sacrificial death that would free people from bondage to sin and death.
Life Application
This week, consider these questions:
Are you trying to achieve your identity through constant doing rather than receiving it from Christ?
How can you, like John the Baptist, point others to Jesus with both humility and boldness?
Are you making time to simply “hang out” with Jesus rather than always being too busy doing things for Him?
Challenge: Take time each day this week to sit quietly with Jesus, receiving His love and acceptance rather than trying to earn it. Look for opportunities to be a voice that tells others about the hope found in Christ.
Remember – you are loved and valued by Jesus before you do anything for Him. Let that truth shape how you view yourself and how you interact with others.
This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.
Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.