
In our latest sermon, we delved into the profound concept of the New Covenant as presented in the book of Jeremiah. This message is part of our ongoing series, “Kingdom Coming,” which explores the journey from the Chronicles to Malachi. Today, we focused on Jeremiah 31 and the transformative power of the New Covenant, emphasizing God’s trustworthiness and the balance between law and love.

The Importance of Trust

Why Do We Struggle with Trust?

One of the central themes of Jeremiah 17, which we discussed last week, is misplaced trust. Our deceitful hearts often lead us to trust ourselves over the Lord. This issue has been present since the beginning, symbolized by the choice between the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Trusting in God’s way is where we find true life, but it requires us to overcome our tendency to rationalize and justify our actions.

Can We Really Trust God?

Jeremiah 31 reassures us that we can place our trust in the Lord because He is trustworthy. The New Covenant promises that God will empower us to go His way, giving us the choice to live rightly. This empowerment comes through the Holy Spirit, who writes God’s law on our hearts and minds.

Understanding the New Covenant

What is a Covenant?

A covenant is a binding relationship that combines both law and love. It is more intimate than a legal contract and more binding than a mere emotional connection. God uses the illustration of marriage to describe this relationship, emphasizing faithfulness and commitment.

How Does the New Covenant Differ from the Old?

The New Covenant surpasses the old covenants by offering forgiveness and internal transformation through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God promises to write His law on our hearts and minds, empowering us to live according to His ways. This covenant reconciles law and love, blending holiness, justice, love, and grace.

Balancing Law and Love

Is God’s Love Conditional or Unconditional?

The tension between law and love is a common struggle. On one end, we have legalism, which focuses on strict adherence to rules. On the other end, we have relativism, which dismisses absolute truth. The New Covenant helps us find a balance, living in the tension between these extremes with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

How Do We Live in This Tension?

Living in this tension requires a relationship with God, pressing in through prayer, reading the Bible, and listening to the Holy Spirit. It involves balancing corrective actions with love and mercy, extending grace while maintaining discernment.

The Role of the Holy Spirit

How Does the Holy Spirit Empower Us?

The Holy Spirit indwells believers, providing resurrection power to live for God. This empowerment leads to:

  1. Empowered Compassion: We become more compassionate, extending mercy and grace to others.
  2. Discernment: We gain the ability to balance law and love, knowing when to extend grace and when to correct.
  3. Peace: The Holy Spirit brings peace into our lives, helping us be patient with ourselves and others.

How Does the Holy Spirit Change Us?

The Holy Spirit transforms us from the inside out, helping us live according to God’s ways not because of rules, but because it is where true life is found. This transformation is a continuous process, requiring us to yield and trust in the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Life Application

How Can We Apply This Message to Our Lives?

This week, challenge yourself to trust in God’s faithfulness and live in the balance of law and love. Reflect on these questions:

  1. Where am I placing my trust? Are there areas in my life where I am relying on my own understanding rather than trusting in God?
  2. How can I show empowered compassion? In what ways can I extend mercy and grace to those around me?
  3. Am I living in the tension? How can I balance law and love in my daily interactions, relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance?


The New Covenant offers us a profound relationship with God, marked by trust, empowerment, and transformation. As we navigate the tension between law and love, let us rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us, bringing peace and discernment into our lives. Embrace this challenge and experience the fullness of life that comes from trusting in God’s faithfulness.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.