
In today’s sermon, we delved into the profound narrative of Jacob and Esau from Genesis 27, exploring the significance of blessings in our lives. This story not only reflects the complexities of family dynamics and the consequences of favoritism but also highlights the transformative power of blessings. As we unpack this biblical account, we’ll discover how it speaks to our own need for affirmation and the impact of our words on others.

The Importance of Blessing

Blessings in the Bible are more than just well-wishes; they carry a spiritual weight that can shape destinies. The story of Isaac’s blessing reveals how a father’s words can deeply influence his children’s futures. It’s a reminder that our words have the power to build up or tear down, and we must choose them wisely.

The Story of Jacob and Esau

The sermon focused on the pivotal moment when Jacob, with the help of his mother Rebekah, deceives his father Isaac to receive the blessing meant for his older brother Esau. This act of deception leads to a profound realization about the nature of blessings and the importance of being true to oneself.

Dressing for Blessing

Jacob’s disguise to receive his father’s blessing symbolizes our own tendencies to hide our true selves for approval. The sermon emphasized the importance of authenticity and receiving God’s grace and mercy. It’s in embracing our true identity that we can fully receive and extend blessings to others.

The Power of Words

The sermon highlighted the lasting impact of words spoken over us, especially during our formative years. It’s crucial to recognize the positive words that affirm our value and purpose, and to let go of any negative words that have hindered our self-perception.

The Amazing Grace of God

Jacob’s story is a testament to God’s grace, which works through our imperfections. Despite Jacob’s deceptive actions, God’s plan for blessing and redemption continues. This grace is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who took the curse we deserved to grant us the blessing of being God’s favored children.

Conclusion: Embracing Our Identity in Christ

The sermon concluded with a powerful reminder that through Christ, we are all considered the firstborn with the full rights and privileges of God’s children. We are encouraged to embrace this identity and let it shape how we interact with the world around us.

Life Application Challenge

This week, reflect on the following questions and challenge yourself to apply the lessons from today’s sermon:

  • Have I fully embraced the blessing of being God’s favored child?
  • How can I use my words to affirm and bless others in my life?
  • In what ways can I live more authentically, shedding any disguises I’ve put on for approval?

Let us go forth this week, recognizing our value in Christ and using our words to bless and uplift those around us.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.