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Church in Decline? Plateaud?

Helping Churches Thrive

Utilizing a process we call “Virtual Church Consulting” we work with you through a series of steps to help pinpoint problems and offer solutions. This all online church consulting method is effective and affordable.

Internet Impact (Learn about your digital footprint)

Community Statistics (Learn about your community)

Effective Outreach Ideas (Learn how to reach your community)

Church Marketing (Help your community learn about your church)

Internet Impact

Your website is the “digital foyer” for the church. It is the first impression for almost everyone that visits your church.

Community Statistics

Demographic information is helpful in getting an overview of what is happening in your community.

Church Marketing

Church marketing is a tool to help people who are in need of what your church offers to be able to connect with you.

Effective Outreach Ideas

An outreach strategy is a specific set of tactics intended to ultimately attract new people to your church.

Meet Steve Lawes

Steve Lawes is a Certified Church Consultant. He has been the lead Pastor of Keys Vineyard Church in Big Pine Key since 1992.  He has a Bachelors Degree in Bible and Theology from Berean University and Masters and PhD Degrees from Atlantic Coast Theological Seminary.  He lead the Cuba Missions Team for Vineyard Missions from 1995-2005 and traveled to Cuba more than twenty times helping to plant churches and build up local leaders. He served as the South Florida Area Leader for the Association of Vineyard Churches for ten years. He also founded the Jesus Moment Bible Institute and Seminary in 2014 which has a student enrollment of over 2000. He has written three devotional books, Daily Psalt Intake, Daily Sage Intake and Daily Strength Training which are now out of print but are currently available as free e-books.

Free Ebook - Nine Point Church Consulting Strategy

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Recent Posts from Church Consultant

Understanding Jesus as the Living Word: Insights from John 1

The opening chapter of John’s Gospel presents one of the most profound introductions to Jesus in all of Scripture. It connects the Old and New Testaments while revealing deep truths about who Jesus is and why He came.

What Does “The Word” Mean in John 1?

John begins by introducing Jesus as “the Word” (Logos in Greek). While Greek philosophers viewed the Logos as an impersonal force maintaining universal harmony, John reveals that the Logos is actually personal – Jesus himself. This Word was with God from the beginning and was God, actively involved in creation.

How Does Jesus Connect to the Old Testament?

The opening verses deliberately echo Genesis 1, taking readers back to creation. Just as God spoke the world into existence, Jesus as the Word was present and active in creation. This connection shows Jesus’ divine nature and eternal existence.
The Tabernacle Connection

John 1:14 states that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” The phrase “made his dwelling” literally means “tabernacled.” This references the Old Testament tabernacle where God’s presence dwelt among His people. Jesus becomes the new meeting place between God and humanity.

Why Did Jesus Come in Human Form?

Jesus came to fulfill all the Old Testament promises and covenants in an unexpected way. Rather than arriving as a military leader, He came:

Full of grace and truth
To serve others
To reach the broken and outcast
To demonstrate God’s love personally
To inaugurate God’s kingdom

What Does This Mean for Us Today?

Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the sending of the Holy Spirit, believers become living temples where heaven and earth connect. We are adopted into God’s royal family and become part of His rescue mission to bring others from darkness to light.

Life Application

This week, consider these questions:

Am I fully engaged in God’s story or just living “story adjacent”?
How can I view my circumstances through the lens of Jesus?
What keeps me from spending time in God’s Word?

Challenge: Commit to reading 2-3 chapters of John this week, asking God to help you see Jesus more clearly through His Word. Remember that Jesus endured the cross with you personally in mind – you were the joy set before Him.

Remember: The enemy will try to keep you from engaging with Scripture, but pressing through leads to discovering the adventure of walking with Jesus daily. He wants you fully involved in His story of redemption.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

Understanding the Highway of Holiness: A Journey Through Isaiah 35


This week, we explored Isaiah 35, a chapter that beautifully bridges the Old and New Testaments, offering a vision of restoration and hope. Whether you’re a long-time believer or someone seeking answers about faith and Christianity, this summary will help you grasp the essence of the sermon and its life-changing message.

What is the Highway of Holiness?

A Vision of Restoration

Isaiah 35 paints a vivid picture of a future where the desert and parched land will rejoice and blossom. This transformation symbolizes the spiritual renewal that comes through a relationship with God. The living water, which once flowed from Eden, will again nourish the barren places, both in the world and within our hearts.

The Role of Jesus

Isaiah’s prophecy points to the coming of Jesus, who inaugurates the Kingdom of God. His arrival is not just a historical event but a divine intervention to save humanity. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection open the way for us to be reconciled with God, turning our spiritual deserts into flourishing gardens.

Why Did God Come to Save Us?

Strengthening the Weak

Isaiah 35:3-4 encourages us to strengthen the feeble hands and steady the knees that give way. This passage reassures us that God will come to save us, bringing divine retribution against evil and offering salvation to those who seek Him. This is a powerful reminder of God’s personal involvement in our lives.

Demonstrating Compassion

Jesus’ miracles—healing the blind, deaf, and lame—are not just acts of compassion but signs that the Kingdom of God has come. These miracles fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy and demonstrate that Jesus is the way to spiritual restoration.

How Does This Apply to Us Today?

Living in the Tension

We live in the “now and not yet” of God’s Kingdom. While we experience glimpses of His Kingdom through spiritual renewal and miracles, we await its full realization when Jesus returns. This tension calls us to live faithfully, continually seeking God’s presence in our lives.

The Path to Holiness

Isaiah 35:8-10 describes a highway called the Way of Holiness, reserved for the redeemed. This path is not one we create through our efforts but one we walk by God’s grace. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, guiding us back to a restored relationship with God.

Life Application

Reflect and Surrender

As we approach the end of the year, it’s a good time to reflect on the dry places in our lives that need God’s living water. Instead of making resolutions that may not last, consider surrendering these areas to God. Invite Him to bring spiritual renewal and transformation.

Know Him Better

Make it a goal to know God better in the coming year. Spend time in prayer, read the Bible, and engage in a community of believers. Consider joining a Bible reading plan, like the one offered by BibleProject, to deepen your understanding of God’s Word.

Questions for Reflection

  1. What are the dry, barren places in your life that need God’s living water?
  2. How can you invite God into these areas for spiritual renewal?
  3. What steps can you take to know God better in the coming year?


Isaiah 35 offers a powerful vision of restoration and hope, pointing us to Jesus as the way to spiritual renewal. As we reflect on this message, let’s surrender our dry places to God and seek to know Him better. By doing so, we can experience the joy and transformation that comes from walking the Highway of Holiness.

May this message inspire you to draw closer to God and experience His life-changing power in the coming year. God bless you!

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

Understanding God’s Love: A Christmas Sermon Summary


This week, we looked into the profound themes of love, hope, peace, and joy as we continued our “Kingdom Coming” series. This sermon, rooted in the Advent season, explores the love of God through the lens of Isaiah 9:6-7 and the broader narrative of the Bible, culminating in the ultimate restoration promised in Revelation 21 and 22.

The Significance of Jesus’ Titles

What Do the Titles of Jesus Reveal About His Character?

Isaiah 9:6-7 provides a powerful prophecy about Jesus, describing Him as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. These titles reveal the multifaceted character of Jesus as one who guides, protects, and brings peace to a broken world. They also demonstrate God’s passionate love and His intention to restore and reconcile His people.

The Bigger Christmas Story

How Does the Christmas Story Fit Into God’s Plan of Redemption?

Christmas is not just about the birth of Jesus in a manger; it’s part of a much larger story of redemption. Jesus’ arrival marks the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s plan to restore and reconcile all creation. This plan is vividly depicted in Revelation 21 and 22, where the ultimate restoration of heaven and earth is promised.

Restoration Through Jesus

What Are the Three Key Areas of Restoration?

  1. Restoration of Our Relationship with God: Sin created a barrier between humanity and God, but Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross made a way for us to be reconciled with God. This reconciliation is the foundation of our faith and the beginning of our journey with Jesus.
  2. Restoration of Peace Within Ourselves: Knowing Jesus brings an inner peace that transcends our circumstances. The Holy Spirit works within us to heal our brokenness and transform us from the inside out, helping us to live in the assurance of God’s promises.
  3. Restoration of All Creation: The ultimate restoration will occur when Jesus returns, bringing heaven to earth and renewing all creation. This future promise gives us hope and a glimpse of the perfect world God originally intended.

Life Application

How Can We Apply This Sermon to Our Lives This Week?

As we reflect on the themes of this sermon, let’s consider how we can live out the love of God in our daily lives. Here are a few questions to ponder:

  1. Restoration of Our Relationship with God: Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, what is holding you back from making this life-changing decision?
  2. Restoration of Peace Within Ourselves: Are there areas in your life where you need to experience God’s peace? How can you invite the Holy Spirit to work in those areas?
  3. Restoration of All Creation: How can you be a part of God’s restoration plan in your community? What steps can you take to share the love and hope of Jesus with those around you?

Challenge for the Week

This week, let’s focus on being agents of God’s love and restoration. Reach out to a neighbor or friend who may need encouragement. Share the hope and peace that comes from knowing Jesus. And most importantly, take time to reflect on the incredible gift of Jesus and how His love has transformed your life.


The Christmas story is a beautiful reminder of God’s passionate love for us and His plan to restore all things. As we celebrate this season, let’s embrace the fullness of this story and live out the love of Jesus in our daily lives. May you experience the peace, joy, and hope that comes from knowing Him. Merry Christmas!

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.


“Steve and his team at Keys Vineyard Church have built a church that has done an inspiring job reaching their community. Steve is a treasure trove of experience and has continued to prioritize learning and growth throughout his more than 30 years of ministry in a way few pastors have. You’ll get a lot out of connecting with him!”

Putty Puman Phd

Pastor, Author (Live Like Jesus, Kingdom Impact), Founder of the School of Kingdom Ministry.

“I watched first hand as Steve experienced the devastation of hurricane Irma in his town of Big Pine Key, Florida. The town was destroyed, the church building rendered unusable and the staff impacted personally. I watched a leader rise to the need of his community and minister in a situation that not very many could. He has a powerful voice of experience and wisdom earned the hard way.”

David Speicher PhD, DMin.

Lead pastor of South Bay Church, Tampa , Fl., Author of “Not Many Days From Now”

“Steve Lawes is a valuable coach/ mentor. I’ve watched Steve over the last thirty years build a substantial outward focused church with disciples who do what Jesus did. He has inspired leaders of churches with simple/tested ideas to develop leaders and grow churches.

Bob Fulton

Pastor, Founder of Pass it On Ministry, Former International Director of Association of Vineyard Churches

“Steve Lawes is an outstanding coach. He is authentic, creative, and personable. He has more cutting edge ideas than any pastor I know in regard to evangelism and meeting the needs of people in his community.”

Happy Leman

Founding pastor at Vineyard Church of Champaign-Urbana IL

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One of the greatest questions Jesus asked was “Do You Want to Get Well?”

I t would seem that the answer was obvious.  But getting well for the man who had been not well for a very long time meant that he would have to do something different. It is not easy to change, but it always starts with a first step.

Take that first step now by sceduling your no obligation, free thirty (30) minute Zoom meeting with us today. You have nothing to lose and it may be your first step to a new and healthy way of doing and being the church.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Take The First Step Toward Getting Well Today!